
Christophe Jung (Math and Physics Lecturer)
Gene Center Munich
Christophe studies physics and chemistry in Strasbourg and passed a state exam to become a teacher. After teaching for five years in secondary schools in France, he moved to Munich to do his PhD on the topic of “Single Molecule spectroscopy” in the group of Prof. Bräuchle at the LMU. He then obtained a position of Microscopy Facility Manager at the Gene Center, and worked for 11 years in Ulrike Gaul’s Systems Biology laboratory. Beside teaching imaging, he supervised PhD students, developed new microscopy systems and methods, and programmed high-end image analysis pipelines. Christophe helds the QMB lectures since spring 2024.

Hernán López-Schier (Life Science Lecturer and PI)

Beate Hafner (Coordinator)
Gene Center Munich
Beate is our coordinator and joined QBM in January 2024. She graduated with a PhD in Biology from the Technical University Munich. Since 2007, Beate has been working at LMU Munich in various coordinating positions, including the Graduate School Life Science Munich and two Research Training Groups (RTG2062, RTG1721).

Markus Hohle (QBM Coordinator and Math and Physics Lecturer from 2013 until 2023)
Markus studied theoretical physics in Jena and did his PhD at the MPE Garching and Jena within the SFB collaboration „Gravitational Wave Astronomy“ that also contributed to the LIGO consortium. During this time, he focused his research on observational constrains of the equation of state of neutron stars. Markus mainly speaks Matlab, R and Python but also worked with Fortran, C++, Mathematica, Turbo Pascal and Visual Basic. Occassionally, Markus gives courses for pharmaceutical companies such as CureVac, Merck or the Robert-Koch-Institute. Markus left QBM at the end of 2023.