Interdisciplinary Research
Student research projects are situated at the interface between two disciplines and typically form part of an ongoing collaboration between two PIs of QMB, who would serve as advisor and co-advisor. The project is anchored in the student’s primary field of training, which is usually also the principal advisor’s field of expertise, but requires close interaction with a second discipline, commonly represented by the co-advisor. While students are firmly based within their advisor’s lab, they also develop strong ties, both professional and personal, with the co-advisor and his/her group when applicable.
The student has a thesis advisory committee (TAC) and will report to it on his/her progress annually. The TAC comprises at least three scientists with pertinent expertise: advisor is member ex officio, the second and third TAC member must be a tenured or tenure-track professor. The TAC members are chosen by the candidate with the help of her/his thesis advisors. Further members internal/external could be involved If required due to scientific/institutional requirements.