We invite the application of MSc graduates from any relevant discipline (biochemistry, biophysics, (physical) chemistry, theoretical physics, mathematics, statistics, (bio)informatics) and any country who are interested in interdisciplinary research; we particularly encourage the application of women.
Please note that you must have completed your Master’s degree by the time you start the QMB program, but not necessarily at the time of application.
To qualify for the program, you need to complete your MSc degree with a certain minimum grade/score: within the German grading system, this is a score of 2.5; more generally, the minimum grade is the halfway point between the best possible grade that can be achieved at your University and the lowest passing grade.
Applicants have to submit:
- academic record (high school, Bachelor and Master’s certificates and transcripts)
- 2 letters of recommendation
- 2 brief essays – one describing the student’s prior research experience, the other describing the reasons for their interest in the QMB program and research goals
- an indication of their specific research interests