Disclaimer LMU München
Liability for contents
The information provided on this website has been carefully researched and implemented. Despite these efforts towards accuracy, the possibility of errors cannot be excluded. The author assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the content of this website. In particular, the author assumes no liability for any damage or consequences that may arise through direct or indirect use of the website content. Parts of the pages or the compelte publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed, or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.
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The author of the website is not responsible for any content linked to or referred to from this site. Such links are provided solely to convey additional information. The author of this website does not assume responsibility for or identify with the content of third party sites to which it refers via a link. Sole liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content, and in particular, for damage arising from the use or misuse of such content is assumed by the owner of the website to which the link refers to. In addition, the author of this website is not liable for any postings or messages published by users of discussion boards, guestbooks or mailing lists provided on this site.
Privacy policy
For security reasons, relevant access data are logged each time the web server www.genzentrum.lmu.de of the Gene Center Munich is accessed. The web server is operated for the Gene Center / LMU Munich by its IT section.
Depending on the acces log used, the log data file will contain items with the following information:
- IP address of the computer requested
- Date and time of the request
- Access method/function intended by the requesting computer
- Input values (file name etc.) transmitted by requesting computer
- Access status of web server (file transferred, file not found, command not executed, etc)
- Name of file requested
- URL from which the file or the desired function was requested
The recorded data are used for the purpose of indentifying and pursuing invalid accessing of, and attempts to gain access to the web server and – in anonymous form – to optimize web content. Logged data are saved for a period of three months and then deleted. Analysis is conducted by employees of the IT section of the Gene Center / LMU Munich.
Email security
Should you send us an email, your address will be used only for correspondence.