Phd program
QMB seeks to train a cohort of young scientists who, while firmly anchored in their primary discipline, are well versed in multiple approaches and styles of thought. The goal is for the students to get comfortable in communicating across traditional boundaries, especially across the divide between experiment and quantitative theory – to become, in effect, scientifically bi- or multilingual. To this end, the school offers an integrated interdisciplinary PhD program that consists of three main components:
1. An interdisciplinary research project which combines concepts and methods from different fields.
2. A substantial program of formal course work with a general and an individual component, centered around an interdisciplinary core course that covers key problems in bioscience from multiple perspectives.
3. Further activities to enhance students’ other transferable skills to succeed in science as a competitive profession.
The QMB doctoral program is fully Bologna compatible and leads to a Dr. rer. nat. or PhD degree. Students submit their written thesis to the faculty of their PI and defend according to the regulations of the same faculty.