Retreat July 22nd - 24th 2024
For the first time we will held our retreat at monastery Himmelspforten in Würzburg. We’re happy to welcome the following external speakers:
- Wojciech Galej (EMBL Grenoble)
- Jan Marek Ache (Uni Würzburg)
- Benoit Ladoux (Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS & Université Paris Cité)
- Andreas Tiffeau-Mayer (University College London)
The retreat is organized by Antonia Eicher and Jan Watter (both Klughammer lab), Jan Willeke and Severin Angerpointner (both Frey group) and Alice Descoeudres (Canzar group) .
Retreat July 3rd - 5th 2023
Retreat May 25th - 27th 2022
For the first time after the pandemic, our retreat in 2022 took place in the real world at Kloster Neustift, South Tyrol. We like to thank the organizers Mariam Museridze (Gompel lab), Maira Torres and Rob Strasser (Klughammer lab), Severin Angerpointner (Frey group) and Cristian Rosales (Beckmann lab) for the great time we had. We also would like to thank the keynote speaker Kristina Ganzinger (AMOLF, Amsterdam), Alphée Michelot (IBDM, Marseille), Emmanuel Saliba (Helmholtz Center, Wuerzburg), Martin Schaetz (University of Prague), Ariel Amir (SEAS, Harvard), Ella Preger-Ben Noon (Israel Institute of Technology) and Natalie Dye (University of Dresden) for their amazing and inspiring talks.
QBM welcomes Johanna Klughammer (Gene Center LMU) as new QBM PI who introduced herself with a magnificent talk about her work.
Retreat July 14th - 16th 2021
This time our retreat took place in Zoom and Gather Town. QBM thanks the retreat organization committee Mareike Bojer (Gerland group), Mariam Museridze (Gompel lab) and Akshay Patel (Canzer group) for their help and great support. We are greatful to have had our four excellent keynote speakers Kishore Jaganathan (Illumina), Gašper Tkačik (ISTA), Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) and Justin Michael Crocker (EMBL, Heidelberg). For the first time QBM had an alumni session and we also like to thank our alumni Raphaela Geßele (Boehringer Ingelheim), Maren Büttner (Helmholtz Center Munich), Isabella Graf (Yale) and Simon Kretschmer (UCSF) – it was great to see you again. Many thanks also to the QBM PIs Hernan Lopez-Schier, Dieter Braun, Ulrich Gerland, Petra Schwille and Nicolas Gompel for their very fascinating and interesting talks. And finally we like to thank our students that contributed by a talk or their poster – you are keeping QBM alive.
Retreat July 15th - 17th 2020
The QBM Retreat for 2020 has been cancelled due to the Corona restrictions.
Retreat June 12th - 14th 2019
Our retreat in 2019 took place at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing. Organized by our QBM students Pablo Monteagudo, Parastou Kohvaei (both Canzar Group), Ricarda Berger and Frea Mehta (both Raedler Group), we had a great time with excellent talks given by our keynote speakers Remo Rohs (USC) and Sebatian Boecker (FSU Jena), our new PI Kirsten Jung (LMU) and our QBM students. We also like to thank the QBM PIs Stefan Canzar, Nicolas Gompel and Erwin Frey for their interesting and very informative talks as part of our DFG „Abschlusskolloqium“.
The 4th Annual QBM Student Retreat takes place at Convent Frauenwörth, Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, in June 2018.
The event is organized by QBM students Alexandra Knorr (Beckmann Group) – Parastou Kohvaei (Canzar Group – guest organizer) – Gunnar Kuut (Hornung Group) – Khairunnadiya Prayitno (Becker Group) – Johannes Stein (Schwille Group) (alphabetical order) and will host Prof. Jason Chin (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology) and Prof. Ken Dill (Stony Brook University) as keynote speakers.
The 3rd Annual QBM Student Retreat took place at VIU, San Servolo, Venice, Italy in August 2017.
The event was organized by QBM students Stefano Ceolin (Gaul Group) – Isabella Krämer (Frey Group) – Victor Solis Mezarino (Herzog Group) – Madlin Schenk (Klein Group) – Sophie Tritschler (Theis Group) – Lina Wendeler (Klein Group) (alphabetical order).
The event hosted Dr. Ido Amit (Weizmann Institute), Prof. Hagan Bayley (University of Oxford), Dr. Martin Beck (EMBL, Heidelberg), Assc. Prof. Scott C. Blanchard (Weill Cornell Medical College), Prof. Cees Dekker (Delft University of Technology), Dr. Tobias Erb (MPI, Marburg), Prof. Judith Frydman (Stanford University), Prof. Tony Hyman (MPI, Dresden), Prof. Christine Keating (Penn State University), Prof. Daniel R. Larson (NIH-NCI) as keynote speakers.
The 2nd Annual QBM Student Retreat took place at Convent St. Josef, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz in November 2016.
The event was organized by QBM students Christian Albig (Becker Group) – Alena Khmelinskaia (Schwille Group) – Laia Pascual Ponce (Hopfner Group) – Beatrice Ramm (Schwille Group) – Vicente Yepez (Gagneur Group) (alphabetical order) and hosted Prof. Gene Myers (MPI-CBG, Dresden) and Dr. Carsten Grashoff (MPI-Biochemistry, Martinsried) as keynote speakers.
The 1st Annual QBM Student Retreat took place at Convent Frauenwörth, Fraueninsel, Chiemsee, in September 2015.
The event was organized by QBM students Fabian Fröhlich (Theis Group) – Mari Heininen-Brown (Wolf Group) – Linda Krause (Theis Group) – Andrea Lukacs (Imhof Group) (alphabetical order), and hosted Chase P. Broedersz (LMU – Faculty of Physics) and Veit Hornung (LMU – Gene Center) as keynote speakers.